Home Sales Hit a Record-Setting Rebound With a worldwide health crisis that drove a pause in the economy this year, the housing market was greatly impacted. Many have …Continue Reading about Home Sales Hit a Record-Setting Rebound
Unemployment: Clarify, not Terrify There have been numerous headlines claiming the current disruption in the economy is akin to the Great Depression, and many of …Continue Reading about Unemployment: Clarify, not Terrify
Will This Economic Crisis Have a V, U, or L-Shaped Recovery? Many American businesses have been put on hold as the country deals with the worst pandemic in more than one hundred years. As the …Continue Reading about Will This Economic Crisis Have a V, U, or L-Shaped Recovery?
Home Prices Now Compared To Pre-Crash Peak Real estate prices have certainly increased since the crash in 2009. But the real estate recovery is significantly different …Continue Reading about Home Prices Now Compared To Pre-Crash Peak