Thank you so much for the best assistance that anyone could ever receive! [We were] super impressed with your services and professionalism. I was very blessed to have been referred to you! You are wonderful!
Mary Lou Atlanta, Georgia
target: '.bubble blockquote p', // Selector of the element the plugin applies to (any CSS selector, eg: '#', '.'). Default: ''
numOfWords: 34, // Number of words to initially display (any number). Default: 50
toggle: true, // If true, user can toggle between 'read more' and 'read less'. Default: true
moreLink: 'more ...', // The text of 'Read more' link. Default: 'read more ...'
lessLink: 'read less' // The text of 'Read less' link. Default: 'read less'
// Content Template: testimonial-bubble-slider - end