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As I get ready to register 3 of our kids for summer camp, it dawned on me that having suggestions for friends might be helpful. (Abby, our 10 month old will be having fun at Phoebe’s Nest this summer, which, by the way, can outsource babysitters if you are planning a visit to Sanibel or Captiva.) Here is what I’ve gathered through our school newsletter and by word of mouth…
Summer Camps on Sanibel & Captiva
Big Arts Summer Camp – Weekly Sessions from June 20th to July 29th, 2011. Check out details and download registration forms at www.bigarts.org/family.php, or call (239) 395-0900. Our girls love the Big Arts Summer Camp – so we will sign up for one week here.
Herb Strauss Musical Theater Camp – Now operated by Big Arts, the summer camp coincides with Big Art’s schedule and you can go to the same Big Arts link above for more info and registration. The Musical Camp information is just below the Big Arts Summer Camp box on their website.
The Sanibel Recreation Center – Tons going on at the Rec. Summer Camp Weekly Sessions from June 13th to August 5th. You can view the schedule of Summer Camp events and registration information at the following link: www.mysanibel.com/Departments/City-Manager-s-Office/News/Register-Now-for-Summer-Day-Camp-at-the-Sanibel-Recreation-Center2. For more information call the Recreation Center at (239) 472-0345. Don’t forget to ask about Summer Basketball, Saturday’s from June 25th thru July 30th – you’ll need to sign up by June 17th, and the summer Swim Team, sign-up now for swim team. Saturday group swim lessons will be taking place from June 25th to August 20th. Sounds like fun for everyone.
The Sea School – Weekly Sessions – cool themes. Starts June 13th and runs until August 26th, 2011. ALWAYS a favorite for our oldest, but fills up so incredibly fast. You’ll need to call or e-mail to see if they have any openings at this point. Here’s their phone number: (239) 472-8585 and here is a link to their summer camp offerings and on-line registration: www.sanibelseaschool.org/kidsprogram_summercamp.html
Junior Sailing Camp at Captiva Island Yacht Club: The Captiva Island Yacht Club is hosting its 2nd annual Junior Sailing Camp for children ages 8 to 16. Session I is June 13 to June 23. Session II is July 18 to July 28. Sessions are full days, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Camp is instructed by certified instructors from Edison Sailing Center and is open to non-members. Tuition is $600 per 9-day session. For additional information please contact Lauren Davies at (239) 472-962 info@Captivaiyc.net or Chris Heidrick at (239) 579‑0660 chris@sanibelinsurance.com.
The Sanibel Public Library – Not a camp program, but Ms. Barb is soooo incredible at creating fun activities for elementary aged kids. This summer she has the Summer Reading Program planned – Kickoff is June 11, 2011 in Children’s Area, 10am-12pm, then every Tuesday in Meeting Room #4 at 3:00pm (June 14, 21, 28, July 5, 12, 19, 26)
Let’s not forget the Dunes Golf & Tennis Club – they are stepping out this year with a new summer program for kids – my kids can’t wait to try camp at the Dunes this year. To find out more, call the Dunes directly (239) 472-3355 or call/e-mail me and I’ll forward a flyer to you.
The SANIBEL COMMUNITY CHURCH VBS is taking place from June 13th to the 17th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. (dinner is included!). All kids are welcome – 3 years old through having just completed 5th grade. Register now on-line www.sanibelchurch.com or call 239-472-2684 and talk to Kathy Cramer.
THE BAILEY-MATTHEWS SHELL MUSEUM is having 3 weekly sessions of summer camp for kids ages 6 to 12 – June 13 to July 1st, 2011. Each week has a different theme. Runs from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Special one-day field trip to Mote Marine for kids and adults – July 16th. E-mail or call for more information: dothomas@shellmuseum.org or 239-395-2233 ext.11.
The Sanibel-Captiva Little League & Phoenix Law has put together three baseball & softball clinics that will take place this summer at the Sanibel Recreation Center Baseball fields (next to the Sanibel School). Kicking off on June 11th with a Clinic from 8:30 to noon & followed by hotdog cookout. On July 8th and August 5th, they are also offering a skills clinic and family cookout from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. Call Kim @ 239-472-0004 or Cindy @ 239-461-0101 for registration.